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June 1, 2 Runners Get Virtual Coaching Looking for a new reason to run? Try out this gadget June 3 ~ 5 Miep Gies A look at the life of a heroic woman June 7, 8 Clever Computer Can computers be as intelligent as humans? June 9, 10 The Unsung Heroes of Business Behind-the-scenes companies can still be market leaders June 11, 12 Designing Through the Darkness In spite of his blindness, this architect still has a gift for design June 14, 15, 16 Namibia: Africa』s Natural Wonderland Sandboarding, sidehilling and parasailing—it』s all here in Namibia June 17, 18, 19 NEWSworthy Clips Kids hooked on technology, a device that helped a man walk again and cleaning up 3-D glasses June 21, 22 Blogging or Advertising? Are you being deceived by what you read online? June 23, 24 Boiling Up With Anger How to deal with those feelings of rage June 25, 26 Coming Soon: TV in 3-D and More Get updated on the latest in the tech industry June 28, 29, 30 Basketball Star Steve Nash Used to taking shots on the court, he now takes a shot at being an entrepreneur

2004年,「彭蒙惠英語」獲得最佳語言學習類雜誌金鼎獎的榮譽。 2001年創刊的「彭蒙惠英語」則是最新、難度也最高的一本,主要是提供給大學生與企業人士等,做為英語進深加強之用。 課程內容十分廣泛,涵蓋了旅遊、心理、商業、科技、健康、新聞、人物、文化等主題。大部分的「彭蒙惠英語」內容取材自國際媒體,提供讀者一扇「通往世界之窗」;不只是一本英語學習雜誌,更是商界人士拓展國際視野的一本知識雜誌。 內容走在時代尖端: 國際政經、科技新知、理財、名人、旅遊、人文藝術等等全方位生活資訊。 適合學習對像: 適合大學以上,全民英檢中高級以上程度。 廣播播出時段: 週一至週六在各大公民營電台播出。 輔助教材 : 1 . 每日聽MP3: 每片含每月26天13小時的廣播教學,讓您不受收聽時間的限制,按自己的作息、進度學英語。MP3適用在個人電腦光碟機或具下載功能的MP3 Player及隨身聽、數位影音光碟機,能隨時選聽當月任何一天的廣播教學。 2 . 每月課文朗讀CD: 將每個月的課文朗讀一遍,讓您熟能生巧、英語朗朗上口。
﹝以上資料轉自" 彭蒙惠英語"網站﹞
相關關鍵字:今週刊雜誌訂閱,星期八 幼兒雜誌訂閱網,理財雜誌推薦,設計雜誌推薦


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